2 Starter Deck - Syrus Truesdale (YSDS).1 Starter Deck - Space-Time Showdown (YS14).5 Structure Deck - Dinosmasher's Fury (SR04).
2 Structure Deck - Machine Reactor (SR03).2 Structure Deck - Pendulum Domination (SDPD).
1 Structure Deck - Rise of the True Dragons (SR02). 2 Structure Deck - Emperor of Darkness (SR01). 1 Structure Deck - Master of Pendulum (SDMP). 2 Structure Deck - Synchron Extreme (SDSE). 6 Structure Deck - Geargia Rampage (SDGR). 1 Structure Deck - Realm of Light (SDLI). 3 Structure Deck - Cyber Dragon Revolution (SDCR). 1 Structure Deck - Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon (SDBE). 3 Structure Deck - Onslaught of the Fire Kings (SDOK). 4 Structure Deck - Realm of the Sea Emperor (SDRE). 1 Structure Deck - Dragons Collide (SDDC). 6 Structure Deck - Gates of the Underworld (SDGU). 8 Structure Deck - Machina Mayhem (SDMM). 3 Structure Deck - Warrior's Strike (SDWS). 2 Structure Deck - Spellcaster's Command (SDSC). 1 Structure Deck - The Dark Emperor (SDDE). 1 Structure Deck - Rise of the Dragon Lords (SDRL). 2 Structure Deck - Machine Re-Volt (SD10). 3 Structure Deck - Lord of the Storm (SD8). 1 Structure Deck - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6). 1 Structure Deck - Warrior's Triumph (SD5). 1 Duelist Pack - Dimensional Guardians (DPDG). 13 Duelist Pack - Rivals of the Pharaoh (DPRP). 12 Duelist Pack - Collection Tin (DPCT). 5 Duelist Pack - Chazz Princeton (DP02). #YUGIOH DUEL LINKS VIVID KNIGHT MOVIE#
28 Movie Pack Gold: The Dark Side of Dimensions (MVP1G).14 Movie Pack: The Dark Side of Dimensions (MVP1).7 Noble Knights of the Round Table (NKRT).10 War of the Giants Reinforcement (WGRT).13 Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World (LC04).2 Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World (LC03).8 Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years (LC02).60 Legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon (LOB).